Cookie Policy

Energy Beverages LLC

Cookies & Other Similar Technologies Policy

This Cookies & Other Similar Technologies Policy (the "Policy") describes the different types of cookies and similar technologies that may be used in connection with the websites owned and controlled by Energy Beverages LLC (""we", "us", "our") from which you are accessing this Policy (the "Websites"), the software applications made available by us for use on or through computers and mobile devices (the "Apps"), our social media pages that we control from which you are accessing this Policy (collectively, our "Social Media Pages"), as well as through HTML-formatted email messages that we send to you that link to this Policy (collectively, including the Websites, the Apps and our Social Media Pages, the "Services"), and how you can manage them.  We may change this Policy at any time.  Please take a look at the "LAST UPDATED" legend at the top of this page to see when this Policy was last revised.  Any changes in this Policy will become effective when we make the revised Policy available on or through the Services.

If you have any further queries, please contact us by email at, or write to the following address: Energy Beverages, LLC, 2390 Anselmo Drive, Corona, CA 92879 USA.






Cookies are small text files that are stored on your computer or mobile device.  They are widely used in order to make websites work, or work in a better, more efficient way.  They can do this because websites can read and write these files, enabling them to recognise you and remember important information that will make your use of a website more convenient (e.g., by remembering preference settings).  

Below we list the different types of cookies that may be used on the Services. Note that to the extent information collected through cookies constitutes personal data, the provisions in the Privacy Policy apply and complement this Policy.

Essential Cookies.  Essential cookies are essential to the Services and enable you to move around our Websites and to use our services and features.  Without these absolutely necessary cookies, the Services will not perform as smoothly for you as we would like them to and we may not be able to provide the Services or certain services or features you request.


Cookie Name



Session cookies are used to maintain the state of the application.

User ID

User ID cookies are used to ensure that the names and passwords of the user are recorded and users only see their own information.


Security cookies are used for security controls and checks.


Preference Cookies.  Preference cookies collect information about your choices and preferences, and allow us to remember language or other local settings and customize the Services accordingly. 


Cookie Name



Language cookies are used to store the language the user has selected, and to show the correct options.


The user's approximate address (city, state, country, postal code) as determined by the IP address is retained in order to automatically select the proper country and show retailers, events, and demonstration days within the area.


If the user is viewing the Websites on a mobile device, a cookie is set to indicate that the main website was selected (i.e., that the device is Flash-enabled), or the non-Flash mobile site.

Reference site

The reference site is recorded to better understand the user's preference

Last visit and activity

Date of last visit and activity and other information is recorded to be able to provide users with an update on "what's changed on the site since your last visit," and to better understand the user's preferences.

Recently watched video

Date and title of recently watched video is recorded to be able to better understand the user's preferences.

Page history

Page history cookies are used to track the sequence of pages the user has visited.  If the user gets an error message while visiting the Services, the cookie information gets saved to a log file for error reporting and resolution.


Social Media Cookies.  Preference cookies collect information about social media usage. 


Cookie Name



These cookies are required to enable users to "like" NOS's Facebook page through the Services.  Please note that we do not control the setting of these cookies and we recommend that you check the Facebook website for further information.


These cookies are required to enable users to "follow" NOS's Twitter feed through the Services.  Please note that we do not control the setting of these cookies and we recommend that you check the Twitter website for further information.


Analytics Cookies. 

Analytics cookies collect information about your use of the Services, and enable us to improve the way they work.  For example, analytics cookies show us which are the most frequently visited pages on the Services, help us record any difficulties you have with the Services, and show us whether our advertising is effective or not.  This allows us to see the overall patterns of usage on the Services, rather than the usage of a single person.


Cookie Name


Google analytics

Google analytics cookies collect aggregate statistical data to improve Services presentation and navigation.
Please view here for information on opt-in/opt-out procedures:



In order to be able to offer you content that we believe may interest you based on your activity on the Services, we may use other technologies which are similar to cookies.  For example, we may gather device attributes and combine information collected by most browsers or automatically through your device to create a unique ID that identifies your browser or device to us with reasonable certainty.  This unique ID enables us to track your activity on our Services and to display content that we believe may interest you based on such activity. We may share this information with our service providers and as permitted by our Privacy Policy.


In this context we may collect, use and combine the following information:


Number of visits

Last visit

First visit

External IP address

Internal IP address

Screen resolution

Geolocation (latitude/longitude based on IP address)

Device performance benchmark

Device bandwidth benchmark

Device user-agent (browser type, version)

Device capabilities (modernizer string, tells browser capabilities)

Device operating system

Device plugins installed

Keywords used if coming from search engine

Pages visited

Length of visit

Referral page

Mouse cursor position

Mouse clicks

Page scroll position


We use this information to learn about:


Your interests (e.g., EDM music, hip hop, etc) based on content viewed

Your interactions with our Services (for example, how often you visit our Services and what content you view or click on)


Note that to the extent the above-mentioned information collected through such technologies constitutes personal data, our Privacy Policy available here Privacy applies to such processing.


How do I Manage Cookies & Other Similar Technologies? 


In addition to the options provided above, you may refuse or accept cookies from the Services at any time by activating the setting on your browser.  Information about the procedure to follow in order to enable or disable cookies can be found on your Internet browser provider's website via your help screen.  You may wish to refer to for information on commonly used browsers.  Please be aware that if cookies are disabled, not all features of the Services may operate as intended.


If you want to clean out all cookies left behind by the websites you have visited, here are links where you can download three programs that clean out tracking cookies: